Letter from the President (May, 2024)

The Pacers have 2 new programs I want to highlight this month, and I’ll give you some background on how they got started.

During a discussion at the Pacer Race Director meeting in April, many of the directors said they never intended to become a RD because, from the outside, it looked too hard. But they helped another director, learned how to manage some of the details, and eventually grew into the role.

We’d like to create an opportunity for some new volunteers to assist the current race directors. There is no obligation to become the next race director and no need to be committed to one, specific race. We’re calling it a “Race Director Internship.” Our first step is just to identify some interested people. We’ll develop the details around the availability of the participants. For more details, please click HERE.

The other program came out of a conversation that I had last month with Andrea Thrush, who asked me if the Pacers do anything for beginner runners. The Wednesday Night Run tries to accommodate runners of all paces, but I wouldn’t recommend it for someone on their first couple runs. They need a separate meet-up for a few weeks where they can get individual support and attention.

Andrea quickly volunteered her time and energy to lead just such a program. She put together a plan, a schedule, and even a logo! Please check out the details by clicking HERE

I realize that most readers of this newsletter have already gotten over the hump of their first attempts at running, but maybe you have a friend or family member who would be interested in this program (which is open to Pacers and non-Pacers alike, free of charge). Please help us spread the word!


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